
Fashion is a dynamic field. It incorporates theatre, art, and music to create a beautiful

show of material, color, texture, and style. Fashion is the expression of self. One can use fashion

to display ones loves, likes, emotions, and political feelings. Fashion allows one to display

oneself in private and in society. It is a way to designate oneself in the world.

From the original idea to the finished product, fashion is a creative process. Beginning

with Charles Frederick Worth and moving to today tops fashion designers, Coco Chanel, Donna

Karan, Gorgio Armani, Calvin Klein, Gianni Versace, Ralph Lauren, Christian Dior, and Tom

Ford, to name a few, fashion is a dynamic universe. Originally, a product of survival, todays

work is a display of the aesthetic. From ready-to wear fashion to haute couture, fashion embodies

who one is. It is a statement of self-design. In a digital world of ever-changing phenomena,

fashion is timeless.

Fashion allows one to produce oneself in the world, not as a product, but as the design of

one’s imagination. It is a statement of who one would like to be seen as. Fashion allows one to

designate oneself in the aesthetic space, it transcends hegemony, and indicates intensity. It allows

one to transcend social, historical, political, and economic spaces, and creates an artistic vision of

the self. This vision is imperative to confidence and respect in today’s world. Everything,

everyone wears, is a fashion statement. Whether one seeks a modest complexion, or an exquisite

design, one can find oneself in the confidence of clothing. Fashion, therefore, is imperative to the

respect one has for one’s self. To dress is to desire. Put simply, “if you look good, you feel

good.” In a world of design, everything one puts on one body matters, from eco-friendly

material, to the furs of high culture, one will flourish if one sees oneself as fashionable. Fashion

is confidence.